Merry Christmas Dad, This is your first Christmas in Heaven, I wonder what Christmas will be like for you in Heaven. I can only imagine the celebration in Heaven as all the angels prepare for the birthday celebration of Jesus Christ...My simple logical mind can not even begin to imagine the glory or the beauty of such a special maginificent day as the birth of our Savior. Here on earth as every where everyone is prepareing for the holiday season. There is a sadness that fills our hearts as we remember how much you enjoyed this Holy season. Were going to home this year to spend Christmas with Mom. I know she will be missing so very much... more then any other time of year. I haven't had the chance to spend many Christmases with you in the past years, and now it is too late. but I know that you will be with us as we celebrate Jesus birth. We will see your crystal blue eyes in the twinkling of the tree lights, as they remind us of the twinkling in your eyes. We will see your smile reflected on the faces of every child on the streets. We will feel your continued love for us as warmth of that love spreads through our hearts.
Daddy, I have no other gift to give you this Christmas there is nothing I can wrap and send to heaven it is to far for the mail man to go. I miss you so much, Right now I wish with all my heart that Santa Claus were real.. not just the magic I feel in my heart for if he was real, I could ask him to fly me up to where you are so I could give you just one more hug and one more kiss and I could tell you all that is left in my heart. I love you forever and one day Daddy. Merry Christmas Daddy we all miss you so very much.


I see the countless Christmas trees
around the world below
With tiny light, like Heaven's stars
reflecting on the snow.

The sight is so spectacular,
please wipe away that tear,
For I am spending Christmas
with Jesus Christ this year.

I hear the many Christmas songs
that people hold so dear
But the sounds of music can't compare
with the Christmas choir up here.
I have no words to tell you
of the joy their voices bring
For it is beyond description
to hear the angels sing.

I know how much you miss me,
I see the pain inside your heart
for I am spending Christmas
with Jesus Christ this year.
I can't tell you of the splendor
or the peace here in this place
Can you just imagine Christmas
with our Savior face to face?

I'll ask Him to lift your spirit
as I tell Him of your love
so then pray for one another
as you lift your eyes above.

Please let your hearts be joyful
and let your spirit sing
for I am spending Christmas in Heaven
and I'm walking with the King.

I Miss You Most At Christmas

The fire is burning
The room's all aglow
Outside the December wind blows
Away in the distance the carolers sing in the snow
Everybody's laughing
The world is celebrating
And everyone's so happy
Except for me tonight

Because I miss you
Most at Christmas time
And I can't get you
Get you off my mind
Every other season comes along
And I'm all right
But then I miss you, most at Christmas time

I gaze out the window
This cold winter's night
At all of the twinkling lights
Alone in the darkness
Remembering when you were mine
Everybody's smiling
The whole world is rejoicing
And everyone's embracing
Except for you and I

Baby I miss you
Most at Christmas time
And I can't get you
Get you off my mind
Every other season comes along
And I'm all right
But then I miss you, most at Christmas time

In the springtime those memories start to fade
With the April rain
Through the summer days
Till autumn's leaves are gone
I get by without you
Till the snow begins to fall

And then I miss you
Most at Christmas time
And I can't get you
Get you off my mind
Every other season comes along
And I'm all right...
But then I miss you, most at Christmas time

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